a note from mary—
It started with getting disposable cameras as gifts on birthdays and holidays from my grandmother and I’ve been taking photos ever since. Learning how to observe and patiently wait for moments that best reflect the memories of our cherished friends and family.
Creating art with others, of others, that will last our lifetimes and longer, it’s is all I’ve ever wanted to do. After over a decade of photographing weddings and portraits, it still feels like the greatest job in the world and I’m so lucky to have it.
If you’re looking for a wedding photographer who’s intentional, a little goofy and excited to make some art, you’re in the right place. My goal is to make photos that look and feel like you, no one else. I’m happy you’re here and can’t wait to learn more about you and the heirlooms you want to create.
More About Me
I’ve lived in Maryland my whole life and I love it. But not in a put the MD flag on everything kind of way.
I know a lot about local birds (thanks to my naturalist partner).
I’m queer.
Every summer I go to the Bonneville Salt Flats for Speed Week to watch land speed racing (and take pictures).
Most of my time at home is spent reading, playing video games, taking walks and runs in my neighborhood, and making very yummy meals.
I shoot film because yeah, it looks great but mostly because it’s fun for me. Getting scans in my inbox is like christmas every time.